Seven common childhood eye problems - Eyecare Plus Ashgrove
Family Care Optometry
Seven common childhood eye problems

Seven common childhood eye problems

Childhood eye problems

Seven common childhood eye problems

Here at Eyecare Plus Ashgrove we spend a lot of time working with children, monitoring changes as their eyes develop over their early years.  It's so important to keep on top of children's eye health, so thanks to our head office team for sharing this blog post focusing on common childhood eye problems.

It is important for a child’s development that they get their eyes checked regularly.

A child’s eyes grow and develop rapidly in the early years. Detection of eye problems early on will reduce potential long-term vision problems which can lead to problems in the child’s school performance, social interaction, and self-esteem.

One in five children live with undiagnosed eye conditions.

Here are seven common childhood eye conditions that an eye exam can detect. Whilst most conditions are rare, only a regular eye exam can catch them early.

Here at Eyecare Plus Ashgrove, we have the experience and skill to detect and treat these conditions.

1. Refraction

When the eye has trouble bending light to reach the retina (back of the eye), this leads to blurry vision. Your Eyecare Plus optometrist will look for refractive errors like myopia (short-sightedness), astigmatism (imperfect curve of the cornea) or hyperopia (longsightedness).

2. Eye injuries

Children are prone to accidents, and this includes eyes. Common eye problems are a scratched cornea or a foreign body in the eye, such as wood or glass or metal shavings.

3. Paediatric glaucoma (congenital)

Glaucoma is associated with high pressure within the eye which can damage the optic nerve. Early detection and treatment are essential for positive outcomes.

4. Paediatric cataracts

A cataract is the clouding of the normally clear lens of the eye. Usually associated with older adults, it sometimes occurs in newborns.

5. Conjunctivitis

More children than adults get conjunctivitis, which is an infection that causes redness of the white part of your eyes. It can be contagious, or it may be caused by an allergy.

6. Strabismus

Strabismus is a misalignment of the eyes, when one eye may be turned outward, or inward or upward or downward. If detection and treatment is delayed, it can lead to a condition called amblyopia (‘lazy eye’) and cause vision loss.

7. Amblyopia

Also known as ‘lazy eye,’ amblyopia results from a miscommunication between the eyes and the brain, leading to one or both eyes developing abnormally. Approximately three out of every 100 children have it. If detected early, amblyopia treatment has a high success rate.

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