Optomap Ultra-widefield retinal imaging - Eyecare Plus Ashgrove
Family Care Optometry
Optomap Ultra-widefield retinal imaging

Optomap Ultra-widefield retinal imaging


Optomap Ultra-Widefield Retinal Imaging

We are pleased to announce that we now offer Optomap® Ultra-Widefield Retinal Imaging as standard for all our patients when they visit us for an eye examination.

This amazing technology allows us to capture a detailed image of the back of your eyes.  We can then use this imagery as part of your comprehensive eye examination to create a complete picture of your eye health.

The Optomap device takes a wide-angled image of your eye giving us a 200° view of your retina – it’s a bit like taking a panoramic photo of the back of your eyes!  This allows us to easily view parts of your retina that we wouldn’t usually be able to see in a standard eye exam.


Few Australian optometrists have access to an Optomap machine in their practice and those that do often charge extra for the service.  Here at Eyecare Plus, Ashgrove we are passionate about your eye health and want you to always have access to the very best technologies to detect eye disease so that’s why we include these scans as standard as part of every comprehensive eye exam.

Why do we want to look at your retina?

Your retina is a complex and amazing structure.  Not only is it responsible for efficiently relaying images to your brain so that you can see the world around you, it’s also the only part of your body where we can view and assess your blood vessels without the need for surgery. For this reason, a thorough assessment of your retina can allow us to detect not only disease at the level of the retina but also systemic disease such as diabetes, hypertension, and even malignant melanomas.


An image of your eye…in the blink of any eye!

Well…in about half a second anyway.  Optomap® Ultra-Widefield Retinal Imaging feels just like having your photo taken.  It takes less than half a second to take each image, and these are automatically uploaded to our big screen so we can show you straight away what the back of your eye looks like and point out anything of note that the image reveals.

We’ll then securely store your images so we can compare them each time you come in for your eye appointments, allowing us to effectively detect even small changes in your eye health over time.

Quick and painless, and it’s great for the kids!

Even the squirmiest kid can sit still for half a second!  We absolutely love that Optomap® Ultra-Widefield Retinal Imaging is suitable for children because it means we can start building that important picture of eye health from a very young age.

For adults, the Optomap® Ultra-Widefield Retinal Imaging machine is perfectly safe for those who are pregnant and you can even keep your contact lenses in while using the machine. Just like having your photo taken, the procedure is completely painless and non-invasive.

Interested to know more?

We’re happy to answer any questions you may have about Optomap® Ultra-Widefield Retinal Imaging when you come in for your eye examination, and you can find out more about this fantastic technology here.

You can also watch this short video by Optos (the makers of Optomap® Ultra-Widefield Retinal Imaging).

We can’t wait to look after you and your eyes the next time we see you at Eyecare Plus, Ashgrove.

Ready to book an appointment?

Online bookings available or call us on (07) 3463 0349.

This website does not provide medical advice.  It is intended for informational purposes only.  It is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.  Never ignore professional medical advice in seeking treatment.  If you think you may have a medical emergency, immediately dial Triple 0 (000).