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Eyecare Plus Ashgrove

Family Care Optometry
Eyecare Plus Ashgrove

Top 11 tips for eye allergy season

Top 11 tips for eye allergy season As beautiful as spring is, nearly 20 per cent of people in Australians will suffer from eye allergies – allergic conjunctivitis – eye redness, swelling, conjunctivitis, eye itchiness and a burning feeling in the eye or the eyes can become watery. Allergic conjunctivitis is not contagious so …

What is 20/20 vision?

What is 20/20 vision? Testing for visual acuity using an eye chart is just part of the service here at Eyecare Plus Ashgrove. Read on to find out more about this test in this blog post put together by our head office team. Have you ever wondered why we refer …

Pregnancy and your eyes

Pregnancy and your eyes Women go through a lot during pregnancy, including experiencing changes to their eyes!  In this post put together by our head office team we take a closer look at pregnancy and your eyes. Every mum-to-be has a range of things they expect to experience while they …

How to put in contact lenses

How to put in contact lenses For new contact lens wearers, or people who want a refresher, here are our simple, easy to follow steps for applying contact lenses. Most important, wash your hands with soap and water, and dry them thoroughly before touching or removing your contact lenses. Prepare …